About Topo-Foto

topo-foto creator performing in front of nature photography

About Me

Hi, I’m Alex.

I started Topo-Foto in 2019 as a way to combine my love of maps, nature photography, and travel and as a means to support a visual album five years in the making, featuring all 63 of our National Parks.

I live in Asheville, North Carolina.

(Coming soon) Learn more about my album, National Parks & Recreation.

About the process

Most photos are my own, some are collabs with photographers and friends, and some are yours — the custom designs.

In my journey to visit all the US National Parks, and on countless road trips along the way, I’ve come across a lot of beautiful natural scenery, and I do a lot of navigating. So, Topo-Foto is my ode to the landscape and the intricate work USGS cartographers have done to capture it.

If you’re interested in creating a custom Topo-Foto of your own, send me an email. Collaborating on one-of-a-kind pieces is my favorite part of the job.